Our Heart and Expertise
Leveraging our expertise in positive psychology, business strategy and experience design, we help high-performing leaders maximize the effectiveness and joy of their employees and organizations through three core service areas: culture assessment and strategy, employee experiences, and leadership development.
Everything we design puts the human at the center, enabling high-performing individuals and teams to live and work with greater purpose, alignment, joy and humanity.
Amira El-Gawly
Founder + CEO
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Lori Parkerson
Workplace Design
Nolan Burger
Marketing + Strategy
Why Manifesta
As people who understand people, we value relationships above all else, especially those we cultivate with our clients. Work is one of the greatest gifts we have been given. It matters to us. And to you.
1. We’ve been in your shoes.
We know our stuff. We’ve built companies that have been repeatedly recognized for being a Best Place to Work. We’ve been through the same (or similar) challenges, and have come out with tools, wisdom and knowledge to help you emerge stronger, too. We’ve spent thousands of hours with leaders like you, understanding their challenges and designing solutions to solve them with love and beauty.
2. We get cozy.
This work is as personal as it gets. It is all about you. We take an osteopathic approach to building companies and teams. We immerse ourselves in getting to know you and your vision. You don’t hire us to program your company with an off-the-shelf solution and generic set of values. You hire us to invest the time and attention needed to understand your unique talents, opportunities, challenges and character. You can count on us being aggressive listeners, blocking any distractions from our pursuit of your authentic culture and brand.
3. We work in the name of love.
We care about our clients, a lot. We can’t help ourselves. It’s just how we’re wired. We love hard and work hard to express that love in everything we do for you. That also means we keep it real. Truth in love. We challenge whatever needs challenging to refine and sharpen your impact on the people and world around you. We shine light on the beauty and forgotten talents and desires that make you who you are.
4. We roll up our sleeves.
Once we’re in, we’re in it with you. If we see something that needs work, we share that with you. If your office space needs a makeover, we’ll tell you. If your website doesn’t convey your culture authentically, we’ll let you know. If your marketing could be improved, even if it has nothing to do with what you hired us for, we’ll make it known. It’s part of the magic value of working with us.
5. We have an uncanny sense for beauty and potential.
We instinctively see the good in everything we experience — nature, people, organizations, spaces. We look for untapped potential to help you maximize your organization’s success. We take things that are good and help you make them exceptional. We seek excellence, and seek to elevate it even further.